Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oh, Oh, Heaven - Licensed to Kill....

....those suicidal bugs that smash themselves on windshields of moving cars.

Actually, today I got my Philippine Driver's License!! Today, I can now officially take part in the nerve-wracking, physically-exhausting, mind-boggling chaos that is also known as manila traffic. Today I felt that I truly belong to my country, the Philippines. For me, getting my driver's license is not unlike getting to heaven after a laborious life on earth. :D

At first, things did not augur well...it was raining as we left the house early morning - the first time it did since we arrived last month. Then, Paul, our contact person, the one who would guide us through the tedious process of converting my California license into a local one, was more than 30 minutes late for our appointment. As we arrived at the LTO (Land Transportation Office - the Philippine version of the DMV) the rain has let up temporarily and the heat and humidity triggered an outpouring of sweat that bordered on the incredible. We were ushered to a tiny shack where a urine sample was taken from me and Cynthia (she would be renewing her license which expired 5 years ago) and then another shack next door for the "physical' exam which involved our blood pressure being taken and stepping on a weighing scale. Next was an eye test which I failed -because I forgot to bring my eyeglasses with me - but the examiner said not to worry about it. After the tests, Paul informed us that Cynthia needed to take a written exam again before another license can be issued her. Noticing the very long queue of would be exam takers, Cynthia decided to forgo renewing her license, claiming she would just be too stressed to drive again anyway. For me, it was sort of downhill from here..submitting my application with copies of my passport and California License, waiting to be called, getting my picture and signature taken, waiting to be called, paying for license, waiting to be called, getting my picture and signature taken (again!!), waiting to be called, and finally getting my very own, bona fide, Philippine Driver's License.

Watch out you flying insects, here I come!........after I get out of the traffic, that is.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Philippines !
    I am sure that you will get used to the traffic and to the weather again.

    We like your blog, keep on writing !!
    Flor and Jan
